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I´m just a girl who lives glued to her computer. I have fun staging a story, constructing
  • Writer's pictureIrene Ortega

I tell you how to use Notion to increase your productivity as a 3D artist

Hello! As always, I hope you are well. Today I bring you a somewhat different blog entry, but one that I am especially excited to share because it is a tool that I have been using for many years and every day. I'm talking about Notion, an exceptional website to organize what the author Tiago Forte calls the "Second Brain" and I like to call the Wikipedia of my life. But what do we mean by having a second brain? According to Tiago, productivity expert:

A second brain is a personal knowledge base. It allows you to better capture, process and leverage your knowledge and experience. Imagine if you could store new information efficiently in your head, like a filing cabinet well organized."

Notion has infinite uses thanks to its adaptability to the user and their needs and it is completely free. If you're curious, you can start by opening a Notion account here -> but I assure you that once you enter you will not want to leave. For someone who loves organization like me, Notion is like entering wonderland.

Since using Notion I feel much lighter. I don't have to worry about memorizing everything. Also, if I'm looking for something specific and I don't remember which Notion tab I saved it in, I can use the search engine to enter the keyword and voila! I have the information accessible and super easy to find.

What do I use Notion for? Rather the question is for what I don't use it. This is an image of what my index looks like at the moment, in which I include my personal and work life:

As you see, my entire life fits here. I have written down the ideas for this blog that I want to do (so, when I come up with a new one, I don't have to trust my brain to remember it, I write it down and that's it. Hence the term " second brain"), the addresses of my friends to send them a Christmas card, I have a list with the things I want to buy, a section with my personal finances, a tracker about the books I want to read, notes from my work, when are the birthdays of the people I love, cool decoration things that I've seen around...The options are endless.

I even write down the scape rooms that I do, I'm already a bit out of my mind with notion.

Now, in the working world, what can we use notion for?

  • To-do list.

  • List of companies in the sector, festivals that interest us...

  • Organisation of plans that we are doing.

  • Movies and series that we want to see.

  • Our own notes that we are interested in keeping.

  • Names and contacts of people that we know in the sector.

  • Interesting links (blogs, resources, books...)

  • Job search (I leave the template for this a little further down)

  • Notes from courses, books, etc.

And everything you can imagine. On the Notion page they have a lot of free templates to start testing with, I have prepared three for you focused on our sector in case they are useful to you:

- Free job search template. Click here to have it in your Notion:

In Notion you can add images, videos, texts, emojis, links and files of all kinds. For a while I also used it as a personal diary, but then I switched to Day One which seems much more comfortable to me, since paper diaries have never worked for me and I always abandon them.

What else would you use Notion for at work? Tell me in the comments below, I'll read you.

Thank you as always for reading my blog, I hope you have a week full of peace and that you have a good month of October.

Cybernetics greetings!

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